Happy 2021! It’s time once again for my annual year-end review, and well . . . I’m not going to mince words: 2020 sucked. Every week, I’d hear a sad story about a beloved venue or festival closing its doors and saw colleagues and friends lose their livelihoods as too many of our elected leaders showed no regard for the people they claimed to represent.
Some days, I was fine, while on other days, I’d alternate between feeling beaten down by the constant onslaught of bad news or enraged by the injustices happening around me. Then, there were times where I felt like I was in an absurdist play. When I look back at the words that I wrote on January 1 last year, that The Aaron Clift Experiment planned to “take a few months off from live performing in order to work on new songs,” I can’t help but laugh at the irony of how those few months turned into a whole year that’s still going.
But, you know what? – we made it to this moment and have to help each other carry on. I think back to songs I’ve written over the years like “Eye of the Storm” and “If All Goes Wrong” to remind myself that even in the worst of times, there’s always hope in tragedy; light in darkness.

So, in the spirit of better times, let me fill you in on a few of the good things that happened in 2020 and what The Aaron Clift Experiment has in store for 2021.
While all of us in the band were social distancing in 2020 and weren’t able to bring you traditional live shows, I did manage to perform a few solo vocal + piano livestreams thanks to the amazing sponsorship of Beat Route Radio and Progstock.

Livestreams aren’t the same as a performance in front of a live audience, but I got to meet and interact with many of you during these festivals performances, and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.
Another highlight of performing in this format was not only playing ACE songs that we hadn’t performed live before, such as “Back to the Water,” but also premiering new songs.

That’s right – we’ve got new music! If you followed us closely on Instagram and Facebook this year, we shared snippets of demos of some of our new songs (for example: go check out our IGTV and Facebook video series on new song, “The Color of Flight”).
So, what lies ahead? If all goes right (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun!), we’ll be heading into the studio later this year to record our 4th album and will release it soon after! We have a lot more exciting news that’s currently under wraps, but we’ll be filling you in on it in the coming months.
Thank you for your continuing support for me, The Aaron Clift Experiment, and for being there for each other in 2020. It was a tough year, but 2021 is going be better!